

Esdeveniment realitzat (2021)



We, The SmallsLIVE Foundation for Jazz Art & Education are honored to be included in the 2020 Barcelona Jazz Festival ! We miss what used to be a borderless world of jazz and are happy to know our live streamed shows will be available to many jazz lovers abroad. We livestream our shows every day at 5pm EST and they are free, all you need to do is register on our website.

The SmallsLIVE Foundation proved itself to be critical during the Covid-19 pandemic, which shut down all the businesses in New York City.  The initiative “Get The Cats Working Again” is a project to fund 1 band per day to perform at the club via livestream and to continue as businesses are allowed to operate again. The concerts you will be watching have all been sponsored by jazz lovers. The objective has been to create paying work for musicians and to raise funds to float the venue through the pandemic. We are happy to welcome jazz fans in Barcelona to be a part of our community by enjoying our live stream and supporting us.  For more information about sponsorship please write us at We look forward to finally seeing you all! 


Spike Wilner and The SmallsLIVE team

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IMPORTANT: Els menors de 16 anys només podran accedir al recinte acompanyats del pare, mare o tutor legal. Imprescindible presentar el Full de responsabilitat degudament imprès i emplenat.


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